Privacy FAQ
What information does ALL CITY TOWING capture on its web site visitors?
The web server, as almost all other web servers on the Internet, stores a list of visits to the server. We use this list to assess which are the most popular sections of our site and to assist us in improving the navigation and content. This file, called an access-log file, records some very basic information about you: the date and time of visit; what pages of our site you looked at; the address of the web site from which you linked to; what kind of web browser you are using; and your IP address.
This log file cannot identify your e-mail address or any other personal information. ALL CITY TOWING does not use automatic systems to associate your IP number to any other information you give to us while using our sites, and will not do so manually unless special circumstances require such an action.
Does ALL CITY TOWING request any personal information?
Some features of our site require you to provide personal information. The site “personalization” feature records very basic information about you in a cookie, to make the completion of forms on our web sites easier for you. This information is not stored by ALL CITY TOWING; instead, it is retained on your own machine in a small text file called a cookie.
Other sections of the site, such as the pick-up request, may also hold your information in a cookie in order to prevent you having to type the same information into the form time and time again. This information will not be transmitted to ALL CITY TOWING until you submit your pick-up request.
Other sections of the ALL CITY TOWING website may require you to hold an ALL CITY TOWING account. In this case, ALL CITY TOWING will hold your details on record for accounting purposes. Other users will not be able to access your information, even if they know your account number, without a password. This password is always transmitted between ALL CITY TOWING and your web browser using a secure connection.
How does ALL CITY TOWING use the information?
The information we capture helps us to identify the type of website content that our customers would most like to see. We use this information to improve the ALL CITY TOWING web sites.
The information you give to us is used to make our services easier for you to use, or to facilitate the provision of a service, such as a pick-up or supplies delivery. We may also use this information to send you e-mail notifications about updates to the web site, if you give us permission to do so, and to contact you for marketing purposes.
No information you share with us will be passed to organizations external to ALL CITY TOWING and its subsidiaries. ALL CITY TOWING provides a right of access and rectification of personal data under the applicable legislation.
What happens when I leave to visit another web site?
Due to inherent web-browser security systems, information given to ALL CITY TOWING while on the ALL CITY TOWING web site and stored in your cookie, cannot be detected or used by any other web site. If you should link from an ALL CITY TOWING web site to another web site, the owners of that web site will be able to see that you came from the ALL CITY TOWING site but they cannot determine anything about what you did while using the ALL CITY TOWING web site.
Does ALL CITY TOWING use cookies?
Yes. Cookies are used to achieve two goals.
The first is to provide ALL CITY TOWING with the capability to personalize certain aspects of the ALL CITY TOWING web site for you.
Secondly, cookies may be used to allow the ALL CITY TOWING web site to automatically complete certain forms with information you entered the last time you used that form. This information is obtained from your own machine, and is not transmitted to ALL CITY TOWING until you choose to submit the form.
What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that is used by a web site to hold information. That information may be the date and time of your last visit, or your e-mail address, or even your preferences in terms of language, content or even how the site looks. This text file is placed into a folder on your machine by your web browser. Once a cookie has been saved, the site that created it (and only that site) can use the cookie to recognize you in future. Think of it as a small electronic “note” that is shared only between you and the web site you are visiting.
There are many misconceptions about cookies, such as that they can “track” which sites you have visited. While it is true that some marketing affiliation networks can do this, they can only do it on sites that co-operate with such systems, and ALL CITY TOWING does not. Improvements in recent browser versions have made these fears groundless.
Can cookies be removed from my hard drive?
Yes, you can easily remove any cookie from your machine. Exactly how you do it depends on which web browser you use. Both Internet Explorer and Netscape have made the process easier on their most recent versions. Please check with your browser provider for more information on removing cookies.
You can also configure your web browser so that cookies are not saved at all, but this may reduce the functionality you get from some web sites, and prevent you accessing others at all. Although cookies are used on to make it easier to use the site, you can use without cookies.